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| Posted by CatContentInBasket on 07/16/13 at 12:09 PM sheesh , i looked at your favorite wallpapers and they're of slightly dressed women so of course you're no fan of christianity . personally , i wouldn't be a jehova's witness because they don't believe jesus was the messiah , there's absolutely no holidays , no birthdays , no blood transfusion , no sewing back on a lost limb . personally, i enjoy holidays . i know they're back-to-back with pagan celebrations . personally, i wish to keep my faith . jesus said , '' Do you believe that I am the Father and the Father in me ? '' and jesus said, '' If you love me , keep my commandments .'' '' this is my commandment , that you love one another as I have loved you . '' |

| Posted by 776AD on 05/09/11 at 06:07 AM If we write:×¢Ö¶×¦Ö¶× ×’Ö¼Ö»×œÖ°×’Ö¼Ö¹×œÖ¶×ª -[etsem Gulgolet]"skull bone" or "skull, bone", then shall see that the sum of letters in Hebrew is equal to number 666. This same expression can be read as:×¢Öµ×¥ מִגֻּלְגֹּלֶת-[ets migGulgolet]"wood From calvary (from Golgotha)" or גֻּלְגֹּלֶת ×¢Öµ×¦Ö´× -[Gulgolet etsim]"Calvary(Golgotha) of (two-) woods ", in two cases the sum of letters is 666. If shall write גֻּלְגֹּלֶת ×›Ö¼Ö°× Ö·×¢Ö²× Ö´×™-[Gulgolet Cnaani]"a Canaanite's skull", then sum again will be equal to number 666.
The Hebrew word עֲצָמוֹת-[atsamot]"bones" can be read as two words: ×¢Öµ×¥-[ets]"a tree" or "a wood" and מָוֶת-[mavet]"death", thus ×¢Öµ×¥ מָוֶת-[ets mavet]"a wood of death". So if we write ×¢Öµ×¥ מוֹת ×”Ö¸×ָדֹן-[ets mot haadon]"a wood of death of the Lord", then the sum is 666. And if we write ×¢Öµ×¥ מוֹת ×”Ö·×’Ö¼Ö·× Ö¼Ö¸×‘-[ets mot haggannav]"a wood of death of a thief", again the sum of letters is 666. So the sum of letters of ×¦Ö¶×œÖ¶× ×ž×•Ö¹×ª ×”Ö¸×ָדֹן-[tselem mot haadon]-"image of death of the Lord" is equal to 666 too.
The last letter of Hebrew Alphabet is ת-Tav, which in Ancient times has the form of a cross: "+", and the sum of letters in Hebrew ×ֹת ×ַחֲרוֹן-[ot akharon]-"last letter" is equal to 666 too. :×¢Ö¶×¦Ö¶× ×’Ö¼Ö»×œÖ°×’Ö¼Ö¹×œÖ¶×ª -[etsem Gulgolet]"skull, bone", in Hebrew is equal to number 666. This same can be read as:×¢Öµ×¥ מִגֻּלְגֹּלֶת-[ets migGulgolet]-"wood From calvary (from Golgotha)" or גֻּלְגֹּלֶת ×¢Öµ×¦Ö´× -[gulgolet etsim]"Calvary(Golgotha) of (two-) woods ", in two cases the sum of letters is 666. |

| Posted by 776AD on 05/09/11 at 05:59 AM Jesus Nazarene's initials in Hebrew form the Hebrew word ין -[YoN]-"a dove". It forms also the pictograph of a dove. We can see the swastika from the Hebrew letters Yod and Nun. If we put the letters Yod and Nun upon the cross , it would be like to a crucifyed man. Thus, it would be a cross and not a pole. But not only the cross, but also the stake is a heathen symbol & the Romans also were heathens too.
Also a cross may be made from a tree, which is in Greek: ξυλον, & in Hebrew: ×¢Öµ×¥ meaning not only "a material of a tree", but "a tree" itself. So a stake or a pole also can have the form of a cross, because the Greek σταυÏος exactly corresponds to Hebrew: עַמֻּד -"a pole", which can be read as עֹמֵד -"one who is standing", it's from Hebrew verb: עָמֹד -"to stand up". Also the Greek σταυÏος has a relation with the Greek verb: σταθηναι-"to be stood up". |

| Posted by Classy53 on 12/11/09 at 08:39 PM Hello , I would like to say, this pic though is very beautiful, I have to say, did you know where the "cross originally came from..and did you know that Jesus died on a(Greek word) "stauros" which means an upright pole or stake?..He did not die on the cross as churches falsely teach..It is from pagan origin. It came from the Chaldeans who worshiped the sex god Tammuz..Hence, the "T" from its name.The Encyclopedias and all information can be found on the net.Jehovah God would not let his Son die on a sex symbol.The churches of Christendom teach God dishonoring pagan lies..The Bible warns that the whole earth is riddled with false religion whom is owned and operated by Satan..'Babylon The Great'(meaning confusion) it is referred to in Revelation..With all its sects and divisions and there is a warning that soon, the beast it is riding(human governments) will soon turn and completely devour and destroy it.The Bible warns to get out of it.True Christianity has nothing to do with politics, upholds God's Kingdom ruled by Christ, and and does as the apostles and Christ did personally..Tell others about God's Kingdom and its blessings that are due to come very soon.Matt, 24:14 |

| Posted by spanish_girl on 12/11/09 at 06:52 PM beautiful image |

| Posted by ladybug63 on 08/26/09 at 09:54 PM yes i say so my self are father in heaven we love him very much. |

| Posted by larisa on 08/26/09 at 09:11 PM Oh wow! I would love to see the rest of the cross on this one! I just might have to do a google search and see if I can find more of the picture. If I do then I will send you the link. What an awesome image! |