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View All Comments - ID 23390
Comments shown in chronological (descending) order.

| Posted by Nahian on 11/23/11 at 04:48 AM no the Americans are the idiot... |

| Posted by j.michael on 07/11/11 at 10:34 PM Nobama! +1fd |

| Posted by JJGhostrider on 06/13/10 at 02:28 AM You can vote for whoever you want to. I was just trying to make my point. Everyone thinks Sarah Palin is a bad person and Obama is wonderful. I was just trying to make my point.
You thought the other Evil Nation Was Scary Look at this See the Truth. They Are Building Nuclear Power To Go against the United States Hello Wake Up And Smell the Flowers Satan is Behind Iran While His Children are Behind Iraq they Want to get Rid Of the United States So they Can Have The Middle East for their Own Iraq and Iran Together Will have a Great Rule On the Middle east if they get rid of the United States. Obama Will Allow Muslims To take Hole Of America While The Anti Christ Him Self Enters the World through The Chips Is Your Head Or the Mark On your Hand The Government has already Developed The Chip. Hello the Bible Said you wont be able to Bank or Buy Anything Without the Chip or Mark it warned you thousands of Years before this Happened. We Need to Focus all our Forces On Iraq and Iran and the People need to Realize the Chip the Government forces on Soldiers and People is the Antichrist entering the World That Much Quicker. Stand Up For your Rights don't Let Them Force you into the Chip or Mark if Muslims Get in For President. Look Obama will allow our Freedom to be Taken away and allow us to be Killed for our Christian Beliefs, We Need To Get Rid Of Iraq and Iran and Stand Against Clinton and Obama Before its To Late. I am A Army R.O.T.C Cadet But I will Stand Against America the Minute We Turn into a Freedom less Nation The Moment we are Forced to have the Chip or mark the Moment We Turn Against Gods Nation Israel and The Moment The Constitution No Longer Matters I urge you to Consider what i am saying Please.
The Omen 666 He is Anti-Christ 666. The movie is true. get ready cuz the anti-Christ is coming very soon. Obama is his helper and he's getting things ready.We must fight for our freedom.Jesus is the way the only way. All Christian believers must start reading the bible and get stronger in God's word. Beware of the anti-Christ. ON CNN No I won't shut up Welcome to iReport, Mr. Joe Carl the news with CNN. Your news just how you like it Obama Antichrist? This is a community of believing Christians who are asking the question "Is Barack Obama the Antichrist?" Saturday, February 23, 2008 666 in every Obama ad? []
UPDATE: Welcome to Obama Antichrist? Blog! If you want to read all my posts about connections between Obama and the number 666, read my archives!
Check out this comment:
So, Obama has 666 in all his campaign commercials, have you recently noticed. It is so obvious. One has text hope to (62262), add the 2’s and you have your 6666. Also, his other commercial has a phone number such as 1-866-6—–etc.
Is this true? YES!
"Sign up to the left to receive text messages on your phone or text GO to OBAMA (62262)."
And his number is: 866-675-2008 Posted by Chris at 11:47 AM Labels: 666, Obama |

| Posted by JJGhostrider on 06/13/10 at 02:25 AM Just Say NO to Obama Just Say NO to Obama Just Say NO to Obama Just Say NO to Obama Just Say NO to Obama Just Say NO to Obama |

| Posted by JJGhostrider on 06/13/10 at 02:24 AM The illustration, drawn by KABOBcartoonist Chaim Sugerman, shows the presidential candidate standing in front of an inferno backdrop carrying daggers, one of which is inscribed with an image of Prophet Mohammed, and wearing an explosives vest. In the image, Obama shows distinct resemblance to Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden
“Our cover ‘Say No to Obama’ combines a number of fantastical images about Obama and shows them for the obvious distortions they are,” said KABOBfest’s Sugerman.
“The explosives vest, the nationalist-radical and Islamic outfits, the fist-bump dagger, the image of hell in the background — all of them echo one attack or another,” he said.
“Satire is part of what we do,” he continued, “and it is meant to bring things out into the open, to hold up a mirror to prejudice, the hateful, and the absurd. And that’s the spirit of this cover. ON CNN No I won't shut up Welcome to iReport, Mr. Joe Carl the news with CNN. Your news just how you like it |

| Posted by sbabhaj on 03/26/10 at 03:14 AM **to lynx55 "I STRONGLY object to this being on here. You don't see Dems being arrogant enough to put an anti right desktop up here...like an idiot Glenn Beck, or putrid Palin.... GROW UP! OBAMA ROCKS!"
You dont see Dems posting stuff like this because they are too busy out keying the Republican's cars!!! |

| Posted by ridgeover on 12/09/09 at 11:24 PM Yes he can................
continue to ruin America |

| Posted by lynx55 on 11/30/09 at 11:06 AM I STRONGLY object to this being on here. You don't see Dems being arrogant enough to put an anti right desktop up here...like an idiot Glenn Beck, or putrid Palin.... GROW UP! OBAMA ROCKS! |

| Posted by TwilightFreak on 09/17/09 at 08:55 AM Nobama! So funny! I love it! Obama is an idiot! |

| Posted by SpizyChicken on 04/29/09 at 11:51 AM NObama! Right on! Obama is a complete socialist, egotistical idiot. |
 | Posted by Ronnie (Guest) on 03/30/09 at 09:04 PM Yea this is a wallpaper page..........no a political one lol He's a fraud for One World Gov't 'The Obama deception" ----Google it!!!!!!!!! |

| Posted by Ladytech on 02/25/09 at 06:56 PM I say it and say it again !! i agree with giving him a chance, heck ! i ain't got a choice I hope that he does well. He's running the country I live in! I'm not knocking him cuz he's black !! r u crazy I"m no racist. but i think that McCain had the knowledge and the experience to run the country. Obama Came from under a rock somewhere, he was known for nothing in the senate or has never done anything for his country but took up a seat and lacked experience in the election but had nice color skin and the blacks compared him to oh, Martin Luther King ! ah, hello not cuz he did anything MLK did, but because of his skin color !dude, he went to harvard and his mother is white... his father a mohammed... he doenst know what it is to suffer a day in his life! so why did the world compare him to MLK! so i listened to the elections and to me SKIN color was the winner. so when people said we need 'CHANGE" they meant COLOR ! YUP, I VOTED McCAIN !!!!! OH, btw !!! I don't own a home cause i'm still saving $$$ to afford one !! YES, AFFORD ONE !! if you cant afford yours cause you've decided to stop paying your bills and have now chosen to be a loozr... it should be taken away (unless your elderly) so go find an "apartment" !! |

| Posted by pablowld on 01/28/09 at 09:29 AM Yes Who Can |
 | Posted by wow, liberals are LAZY! (Guest) on 01/23/09 at 03:37 PM liberals and stupid people vote for obama because 1. you think he will cut your taxes. problem: people who make over 250,000 dollars will be taxed a lot more. 2. you think he will make money for you. 3. you think he is going to fix the economy. i could go on and on |
 | Posted by obama is an idiot. (Guest) on 01/23/09 at 03:33 PM obama is so stupid he does not know what he is talking about. nobama '08 u.s.a. not u.s.s.a |
 | Posted by anti obama (Guest) on 01/22/09 at 07:39 PM i agree with you! |
 | Posted by guest (Guest) on 01/22/09 at 07:31 PM obamas a idiot. you know it. |
 | Posted by VIVA Obama (Guest) on 12/14/08 at 11:59 PM I love reading the posts of all these sore losers who whine and bitch that Obama won. LMAO Thank god he is going to be OUR NEW PRESIDENT! Thanks to Bush and the Republican assholes our country is going down the drain. McCain was nothing but a Bush clone and Sarah Palin was nothing but a BIMBO!! Palin is Bush in drag!! If u dont like the fact that Obama is our new president THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS COUNTRY! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!! |